Local directory marketing has become a must for every type of business online. If your customer cannot find your business online when they are looking for answers to questions, or they need solutions to a specific problem, you are not going to get any new customers.
You customer will find a business online that meets their needs when they search. Your customer will either find your business or another business. Every time that one of your customers searches online and they don?t find you, they find another business and begin to start listening, trusting and taking advice from one of your competitors.
Things have changed. The first thing that your customer does now when they have a question or an issue, is to go online. All the old ways that you used to rely on to get customers do not work anymore. Yellow page ads, newspaper ads, coupons, inserts- al these old school methods are dead. Your customer is looking for current, relevant information, and they expect it right now.
Top get more new customers you need to be in all the places on line where your customs are every day. You need to be there answering their questions and solving their biggest needs.
Here is How the Search Engines Determine Search Results
When your customer searches for information online the search engine determines if the search is related to a local business. If a customer is searching for a specific type of business or information about a type of business, the search engine filters the top search results that are closest to a specific location. The exact place can be based on the place that your customer is when they are looking on line. It can also be based on the city or area that your customer is searching in.
When your customer is at their home in Houston and they search for an insurance agent their search results show the top listed insurance agents that are the closest to their house. When your customer searches in their car while they are driving the search results that they get will be based on their exact location when they search.
As a business owner who has a business in a specific location or general area it is important to understand how the search engines determine the search results. The more often your business shows up in searches related to your business, the more your leads and new business will increase. A local marketing strategy is essential to winning online. Your customers expect to find the information that they want, right now. a local marketing strategy that keeps your company listed at the top of these searches is crucial to getting more leads and customers online.
You can generate more leads and increase your sales with local directory marketing that includes google places. You can see a video here that explains how Google Places can help you get new customers.
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