শনিবার, ৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

A Tribute to Vision ? Steve Jobs | The Lightsome Life | SimplyHealed ...

I?m young enough to remember the workings of a typewriter and carbon copy paper. Yet, I was lucky enough to grow up in a house where ?Think Different? was embraced and accepted.? We were a homeschooling family in the 80?s.? My parents got quite a bit of flack for that choice, but they persisted, trusting that their vision for their children was more important than what the neighbors or family members might have thought.

My Dad loved technology and somehow was able to afford to bring home a Mac? for us to learn with.? Our family obsession with Macs got to a point that there was a Mac computer of some style in every single bedroom of the house (with 11 kids, we all shared rooms, so we shared computers too).? We all used them for school and journals?of course some fun games.? Anyone else remember KidPix or Prince of Persia?? Mine also served as an alarm clock where I woke up to Toy Story?s Theme song every morning.

Here is a photo of my older sister and brother hogging the MacPlus :)

I have always been loyal to Mac?s.? They made sense, they were easy to use and had aesthetic appeal.? Steve Jobs had the ability to take an abstract idea or vision, and find the way to put all the little details in place to make it a reality.? His vision has made it easier and faster for us to create our visions.?

Do you know what you want? Can you find the courage to ask and pursue what you want?

Do you have a vision for your life, your family, your relationships and your accomplishments?

I believe we all have a little bit of Steve Jobs in each of us.? We all have dreams and visions, the only difference between us and Steve could be that he chose to ACT on them.? He chose to not become discouraged from his vision.? Even when he was kicked out of Apple, he pursued his vision and it lead him back to the company he created and to take that entity to the next level.

Steve Jobs had vision, discipline, leadership ability, passion for perfection and courage.? We all have these gifts too, lets choose to act on them today.? Don?t let the HOW?s paralyze you.? Take action in your vision, one step at a time and where you end up might even exceed your expectations.



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Source: http://thelightsomelife.com/a-tribute-to-vision-steve-jobs?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-tribute-to-vision-steve-jobs

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